“In youth we learn; in age we understand.”
-Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach
-Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach
Earlier this month I completed my independent component #1. For my independent component, I registered for a type of psychology class that was recommended for my topic. I thought because I had enjoyed my previous Young Scholar classes, that this one would not be an exception, but it was. Even though the class was only one a week, which is what intrigued me, it was about 4 hours long each night. It was difficult to stay focused for that long, especially when your professor is explaining everything as if we are all already psychology majors. I was very dissatisfied with the class and the lack of knowledge I gained in the the end.
For part of our final grade, we had to choose a book from a list provided by the professor and complete a 3-6 page book review. I chose a novel titled
Made Flesh: The Discovery of the Brain and how it changed the World written
by Carl Zimmer. I am going to be honest, it was definitely not one of my favorite books to read, even if it partially helped me with some ideas on my topic. I feel that one of my academic strengths is essays, so that probably explains why I didn't completely fail the class. I also found that some remembered facts from the small Psychology in freshman year came in handy during Week 9, Exam 3, and our Final Exam, which also included an essay. Over all, I did not enjoy my Psychology class and I believe my final grade reflects that.
With that said: Happy New Year!