1. Presentation Topics and Names
Electronic Dance Music-Jorge Estrada
Making an Album-Jessica B.
OBGYN-Marilyn G.
All Star Cheerleading-Dominic Zavala
Automotive Repair-Nicholas G.
Yoga-Alyssa S.
Machine Programming-Ariana K.
Yearbook-Emma S.
Drifting-Ricardo M.
Cancer Survivors-Darlene D.
Car Audio-Daniel L.
Veterinarian Oncology-Cheryl W.
Wedding Dress Design-Jeanette Duplessi
2. Senior Presentation Questions:
What can be considered a "product"?
What is a sponge activity?
Do the science and independent components need to be included in the presentation?
-I was able to get vague answers for the above questions from the seniors throughout the two weeks, but I would like concrete answers.
3. I saw that most of the seniors got a large portion of their information from their mentor. The experiences and relationship they had with their mentors visibly effect how passionate and engaged each senior was about their topic. Even though the essential question is at the core of senior presentations, having a good mentor makes it easier and more enjoyable to complete the project strong.
4. I have considered either creative writing or international business. I personally enjoy creative writing and would like to perfect my technique. Having a finished piece that I am proud of would be an amazing product. Then again, it is difficult to get an author or a publisher to be your mentor. International business is the major I hope to study in college. If I choose this topic, I would already have a mentor and a way to earn the 10 hours over the summer. My decision is still not set, though.